People constantly contact us requesting for help from different countries of Latin America

Recently I traveled to the town of Cobija, the capital of the state of Pando. This place is located in the northeast area of the country, near the border with Brazil. Thus is very expensive to travel to this region, but praise the Lord, a company hired me to give workshops of speech and verbalization to their employees in Cobija. After the workshop, I visited several radio stations and five of them agreed to air the programs. The Christian churches are very small in a town with a population of 56,000 inhabitants; therefore, my prayer is that our programs will be an important instrument to reach many people with the Gospel.

During these months, I have been making a follow up to those that are responding to our programs via email. During these three months, approximately 35 people contacted us from different countries of Latin America. A person from Argentina shared with us the difficult situations that she has been dealing as she got pregnant out of wedlock and the father did not want to deal with his responsibility. In the midst of her desperation and angriness, she realized that she must forgive this man, but she is aware that she cannot do it on her own. She said, “I do not want to hate him anymore, but I need God’s help to get rid of my angriness. I want to please Christ, but I do not know how to forgive. Please, I need help!” Our missionary in Argentina has been making the follow up to this person. Another person from Peru wrote: “I am a believer and I have attended a local church, but eventually became negligent with my spiritual life. I stopped attending the church and did not nourish my spiritual life. All of a sudden, Satan brought different temptations in to my life and I grew apart from the Lord. As I listened to your programs, I realized that only in God I could find the real satisfaction. I have turned to the Lord and He has been talking to me through His Word and through your programs. Can you send me material for marriage and parenting?” In addition, Rene Hurtado, our missionary in Peru has been making the follow up to contact.

We are thankful to the Lord because radio has been an effective method to reach people with the Gospel, and now through technology He is providing us with more resources to be able to make an effective follow up to those that need to open their hearts to the Lord, or that must return to His ways.

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