Eight radio stations in the state of Santa Rosa in Guatemala agreed to air our programs, this state deals every day with the problem of distribution and consumption of drugs by people of all ages

Karel (left) providing programs to the  Director of a radio station in Santa Rosa
Karel (left) providing programs to the
Director of a radio station in Santa Rosa

During the first five months of this year, our missionary Karel has visited 27 radio stations in different regions of Guatemala. Praise the Lord, 17 Christian and 4 secular radio stations agreed to air the programs! Thanks to Karel’s commitment, currently we have a total of 71 radio stations proclaiming the good news of salvation of Christ as our programs are broadcasted. Guatemala, as the rest of the countries in the area, is dealing with a weak judicial system that has fostered the growth of corruption and high levels of criminal activities. The drug traffickers have been taking advantage of this and other situations such as the lack of a real law enforcement presence. Guatemala is also a minor producer of opium poppy and the amounts of marijuana produced for domestic consumption have been increasing drastically. In the department of Santa Rosa, with a population of 300,000, the authorities are dealing every day with the problem of distribution and consumption of drugs by people of all ages, especially young people. In May, Edwin, who is 22 years old, was captured in Santa Rosa. He was not only producing different illegal drugs but was also one of the main suppliers in the area. In the same month, Karel visited several radio stations in Santa Rosa and eight of them agreed to air our programs. Our prayer is that people like Edwin would hear that only in Christ they can be free of their addictions. Each one of our programs is made under the conviction that His Word will never return empty.

Drug dealer captured  In Santa Rosa
Drug dealer captured
In Santa Rosa

We praise Him also because there are times when God uses our programs to encourage believers that are going through difficult times in their lives. That is the case with Karel’s neighbors. The wife, who is diabetic, has been struggling with several physical issues. Since there are unable to attend the church, Karel gave them several CD’s with programs. Now they are being edified through the teaching of His Word, and at the same they find comfort as they hear the promises that God gives to those that trust Him.

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