God has opened opportunities of ministry with the employees at the radio stations in Honduras

Thanks to the faithful commitment of our fellow servants Melvin and Ernesto Zelaya, our radio ministry keeps expanding in Honduras. Through 170 radio stations, the Gospel is heard by thousands of people in different regions of this country. Several stations have been obtained thanks to the sponsorship of churches or individuals willing to fulfil the great commission. Melvin graduated from MEDA (Ministerios Evangelicos de Las Americas), a training center that provides pastors the necessary tools to faithfully lead their congregations. Since then, this place has become an important platform for Melvin, to establish contact with several pastors and leaders. As Melvin introduce our ministry to pastors, they find in our programs an important resource to fulfill their ministry. Melvin’s son is studying in this institute, and he is also establishing a network of pastors to share with them about our ministry. Every month Melvin visits radio stations to supply our programs to those that broadcast them, and introduce them in stations that he finds as he travels. There have been times when God has opened opportunities of ministry with the employees at the radio stations. That was the case with Joseline, a young girl that works in a secular radio station. As Melvin was supplying her with CD’s, he perceived that she was having a difficult day. He shared some words of encouragement and gave her as a gift a Bible. At the end of their conversation she said that she really appreciated the gift since she is needing spiritual guidance for her life.

Carol, Melvin’s wife teaching to a group of ladies at the church in Tegucigalpita
Carol, Melvin’s wife teaching to a group of ladies at the church in Tegucigalpita

Besides the expansion of the radio ministry, Melvin and his wife Carol, along with Ernesto, are investing part of their time overseeing the healthy spiritual growth of the believers in the different congregations under their responsibility. One of their main goals is to prepare faithful men who would be able to teach others. Every month they travel to Casitas, Tegucigalpita, El Renuevo to train men and women with different biblical curses. Couple of months ago Carol was giving a teaching to women in El Renuevo and one lady that has been attending these curses for several months share her need of trusting Jesus as her personal savior. Some of the men that have been trained by Melvin and Ernesto are now taking more responsibilities in the congregations that they attend.

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