The seed of the Gospel is planted with employees of radio stations in Chile

During the first part of the year 19 radio stations were visited for the first time. Praise the Lord three accepted to air the programs and ten stations have not confirmed yet the authorization for the broadcasting of the programs. After visiting several secular stations is kind of difficult to be optimistic about the possibility of increasing the number of stations airing our programs. But, since this ministry belongs to the Lord, is amazing how one visit to a radio station, can be a powerful instrument to touch the life of someone that works in the stations. That was the case with a visit to a radio station in the province of Lampa, in the northwest section of Santiago. The director was not available at the time of my visit, but her daughter, who works in the station was willing to hear the presentation of our materials. As she realized that the programs have to do with the spiritual aspects of this life, she began to ask Andres about certain questions that she had in regards to the Bible. For several minutes, our missionary had the opportunity to answer to the doubts that she had in her mind. At the end of their conversation, she showed a genuine interest to keep hearing more about the Bible. She told Andres that her father was the one who would have to approve the broadcasting of the programs. As Andres was living, he gave her some evangelistic literature and some Cd’s with our programs. Our prayer is that the Lord will open the doors in this and many other stations were Andres left samples. At the same time, our trust is that the seed of the Gospel planted by Andres with the employees of the radio stations, will result in the salvation of people, like the woman from this station in Lampa.

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