As we approach the end of the year, we thank the Lord for entrusting us with the responsibility of proclaiming the Good News in Christ to those in the Spanish speaking world. We want to inform you what He has done and what opportunities He has opened us to fulfill His trust.
Our national missionaries, mindful of the wide outreach that one radio broadcast can have, have continued to persevere in contacting owners, managers, programmers, and announcers of broadcasting stations, in near and remote towns, to ask them to listen to our programs and consider the possibility of transmitting them. The result, as we approach the final days of December: 2,200 radio stations are carrying those broadcasts in every country where Spanish is either the main language, or where there are Spanish speakers (although with much limitation, this includes the U.S. and Canada)! Whereas in the past, when a station has required payment for broadcasting the programs, churches have been the sponsors, now the Lord is also opening doors through individuals.

A group of believers in the small town of “Señora de la Talavera”, in northern Argentina, is paying for a one hour segment in a local station. Upon hearing of our programs, they contacted our missionary Roberto Capdevila expressing that the transmissions would give them the opportunity to proclaim the good news to those in their hometown. Being entrusted with spreading His message and responding to that responsibility has brought about His guidance, assistance, and power to have our programs transmitted 27,000 times every week. For this we praise Him! May there be many listening to the good news every time!
App for smart devices
Technology, available to people of all ages and to practically all strata of society, is a vehicle for good and bad things to find their way into people’s minds and hearts. But God has also allowed us to use this as a means to fulfill our trust. The app that allows access to our materials has been downloaded into approximately 6,000 smart devices, and the Bible teaching messages have been heard almost 150,000 times! Beyond radio, it has pleased the Lord to graciously provide us with another way to reach many others who might not be inclined to listen to a gospel broadcast by tuning in to a radio station. Some, contact us to let us know about the impact in their lives. A person who used to listen to our programs in a local station in Paraguay, felt the need to learn more about God, therefore he contacted us asking of there were other ways to listen to the programs. As he received the instructions to download our App, he replied back “As I listen to your programs through the App, I am having the opportunity to grow in my spiritual life thanks to your Bible teachings”. As we keep adding content into our App, we ask you to pray that God would continue touching hearts in Paraguay and all the over Spanish speaking countries.
Reaching the Quechua and Guarani speakers
Two years ago in Paraguay, when all our missionaries gathered for a time of reporting, evaluation, and training, we were challenged to pray and consider the possibility of translating and adapting our programs into Quechua and Guarani. Languages native to sizeable populations in Peru and Paraguay.

Responding to the task that the Lord entrusted us and relying upon His direction and provision, we moved forward with the project. Our missionaries, Valentin Quispe, in Peru, and Roberto Acuna, in Paraguay, started the process. Today, through 110 radio stations, the Gospel is heard in the Guarani and Quechua regions.
In the city of Cuzco, the main Quechua center in Peru, Christian taxi drivers are being provided with Cd’s containing our programs. They not only have the opportunity to hear a spiritual message in their own native language, some also play them while they transport many passengers who are not believers, and the good news is heard.

In Paraguay, in one of the Guarani speaking villages where 20% of the inhabitants are believers, their pastor expressed his excitement and thankfulness when he heard our broadcasts on a nearby radio station. This will help the believers in their growth and at the same time communicate the good news to people that might not have heard it in their own language before. Our missionary supplied the pastor with 35 Bibles in Guaraní and several Cd’s of our programs.
Spanish World Ministries was established in 1958 as a vehicle to fulfill the trust that our founder, Florent Toirac, received to broadcast the good news.

Through the years, this trust has been kept and the Lord has faithfully blessed us by opening and expanding new avenues to carry out the responsibility that He has given us. With these openings He has faithfully sustained our efforts by entrusting us as well with your financial contributions, that we may dispense them in the most effective way for His glory, the growth of believers, and the salvation of those wh+o need to hear. Thank you for being part of our ministry by sharing with us some of what He has entrusted you! Join us in praying for His gracious provision. That we may close the year without a deficit. Would you consider giving a special year end donation? DONATE! This will help us to continue faithfully and responsibly reaching more people through the doors that He has opened for us to communicate the good news.
Thankful to the Lord for you, and with our hope fixed on the living God (I Tim. 4:10),
Daniel Sandoval
Executive Director