Fulfilling the Great Commission

I want to thank for your interest in learning more about what the Lord is doing all over the Spanish speaking world through the expansion of our evangelistic material through our radio programs, and through the audios available in our our App “El Camino de la Vida”. Every month we will be sharing with you testimonies of how the Lord is opening doors for the proclamation of the Gospel all over Latin America. I pray that these testimonies will encourage you to pray for those that are exposed to the message of salvation.

Through the years, Chile has been considered a conservative society faithful to its traditions. This image was established during the 20th century due to the traditions established during the time of the colony. Within the last four decades, the people in Chile have been abandoning those traditions. The former president pushed certain initiatives before the congress that reflected a clear progressive and secular society. According to a survey, about 25% of the population in Chile is considered atheist. This makes Chile the third country with the highest percentage of atheists in Latin America after Cuba and Uruguay. The evangelical churches are trying to have presence among the Chilean society, but unfortunately, the infiltration of false doctrines among traditional denominations, and the proliferation of neo-Pentecostal movements, make difficult the expansion of the Gospel among a society that desperately need to hear the Biblical truths. Our desire as a ministry is to assist the churches in Chile with the proclamation of the Good News of salvation in Christ. Our missionary Daniel Huenulaf has taken the responsibility to keep increasing the number of stations airing our programs. Currently 107 radio stations have opened their doors for the proclamation of the good news of salvation in Christ. Please, pray that as our programs are broadcasted, many people who have been deceived, would be willing to open their hearts to Jesus.

As we strive to reach more people with the message of salvation in Chile, we are thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness in providing for the production and the distribution of our programs all over the Spanish speaking world.

I would like to invite you to be part of this ministry through your spiritual and financial support. Your help will enable to keep increasing the number of outlets airing our evangelistic programs. If you need more information you can contact us.

Daniel Sandoval
Executive Director

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