Contact new radio stations out of season is a challenge! Nevertheless, all of our missionaries are finding different strategies to reach owners of new radio stations. For example, in Argentina, Roberto Capdevila is making use of Google Maps to search for radio stations. Once he finds the stations on the map, he searches for their web site, their Facebook page, or their phone number to contact the stations. Once he can talk to the directors, Roberto briefly introduces the programs and sends a text with our sample program. Since March of this year, despite being out of season due to the Coronavirus, he has contacted 39 new radio stations, and 11 accepted the programs. It means that in Argentina, in times of Covid-19, the Word is preached almost 2,500 every week. There might be times when a station changes ownership or shuts down. When that is the case, the broadcasting of the programs are usually canceled. All of our missionaries have to pay close attention to these type of situations at all times.
Paraguay has 246 stations airing our programs. Therefore, our missionary Roberto Acuna needs to invest time and strategies to keep in touch with these stations. Due to the Coronavirus, about 13 stations have canceled their transmission during these months out of season. But thanks to Roberto’s commitment, 17 new stations were added to our database, and a couple of new owners agreed to broadcast the programs again. Praise the Lord; the Gospel is proclaimed all over Paraguay almost 2,200 times every week in Spanish and Guarani!
After the U.S., Mexico has been one of the countries with more cases of Coronavirus. The government has been trying to establish policies to avoid the proliferation of the virus. Ironically, these policies have been set against the instructions given by the health authorities.
As a result of this tension, there is a lot of misinformation. The population is reacting with disdain to the measures that health authorities seek to implement to avoid the virus’s proliferation. With over 67,000 deaths related to Covid-19, people in Mexico are looking at the future with uncertainty. Throughout the years, our missionary Aland Guillen has tried to increase the number of stations. We are thankful because, through 21 stations, the Word is preached through the radio waves. Satan has set all sorts of obstacles to have the radio waves open for the Gospel. But thanks to our App, and to the distribution of our programs through social media, every day, Aland is sharing our programs with almost 300 pastors in different regions of Mexico. One believer sent a message to Aland saying: “Dear Aland, thank you for the daily devotionals you send me through Messenger. They are a useful tool to share the Gospel. Approximately 120 people are included in my lists of distribution in social media”. Pray for our missionary, Aland, as he strives to have the Word preached in a country that seems to be out of season for the Gospel. Amid the Coronavirus, pray that God’s Word will touch the hearts of those that do not know Him.
The Covid-19 has brought fear and uncertainty among the population all over the world. It seems like 2020 is an out of season year to preach the Word. People in the Spanish-speaking countries struggle with the pain and sorrow that this virus has inflicted after the loss of relatives. Thus, we realize that now is the season to preach the Gospel. Since millions of people have been secluded in their houses since March, we started producing four-minute videos that combine the realities of the Covid-19 and the hope that can only be found in the person of Jesus. Our producer Rene Hurtado has been in charge of this evangelistic project. Pastors and believers all over Latin America have used these videos as evangelistic tools to share the Gospel with relatives, neighbors, and friends who live under the fear of the Coronavirus. At the end of August, the programs have been watched almost 45,000 times on Facebook and YouTube. Pray that as the Word is preached through these videos, God would bring hope to those suffering due to the Coronavirus.
In moments when churches and believers here in the U.S. might be affected financially due to the Coronavirus, we can see how the Lord continues opening opportunities to preach the Gospel. Would you pray for the continued spread of the Gospel and the health of our national missionaries? If you are able to give to continue to reach more people with the message of eternal hope that comes from Jesus Christ, please do give today. Your donation will enable us to continue obedient to our call to preach the Word in season and out of season.
In His love,
Daniel Sandoval