Moving forward with the proclamation of the Gospel

Dear friend:

Thank you for your interest in learning more about how God is using Spanish World Ministries to reach more people with the Gospel.

Last month I shared with you that we are thankful to the Lord for the possibility to reach Chile with the message of the Gospel through over one hundred radio stations. But not every country is willing to open the radio waves to the broadcasting of the Gospel. That is the case of Mexico. Through the years this country has represented a huge challenge when it comes to the broadcasting of the Gospel over the radio. Satan has established two obstacles. The first has to do with financial reasons. In contrast with the rest of Latin America, the owners of radio stations are not willing to broadcast of programs with spiritual content, but if they do, they usually charge high prices for the airtime. The second obstacle has to do with spiritual reasons. In the last decades the society in Mexico has become more and more secularist and materialist, but most of the Mexican population consider themselves Roman Catholic. Whenever owners of radio stations open doors to Christian programs, immediately the parish priests encourage the owners to do not broadcast these type of programs. We are aware that Satan will try to do whatever to avoid the proclamation of the Gospel, but God’s power is greater than Satan’s schemes. Praise the Lord, there are believers that are catching the vision of using radio waves to spread the Gospel. Last year our missionary in Mexico, David Franco, traveled to Acultzinapa, a rural community six hours south of Mexico City, to visit a small church that is trying to reach this town for Christ. These believers have a small rural radio station, and they have also installed two loud speakers in different locations. When David asked them if they had radio programs at hand, their answer was “no, we only have what we record here in our house”. David provided them with both of our programs, and also a good amount of Christian hymns. Since last year, the people in Acultzinapa are having the opportunity to hear about God’s redemptive plan.

Knowing that our battle is against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12), we keep moving forward with the proclamation of the Gospel! Pray for those that are hearing and considering to trust Christ as their Lord and Savior. Though a monthly donation, your financial support will be used to keep reaching more people with the Gospel in Mexico, and the rest of the Spanish speaking countries.

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