Spanish World Ministries was established in 1959. Our founder, Florent Toirac had one specific goal in mind: to preach the Gospel to the Spanish-speaking world. In the early ’70s, brother Toirac and the board of Directors inaugurated the SWM headquarters located at the corner of Pierceton Road and CR250 East in Winona Lake. For nearly five decades, this building stood as a recognizable landmark for local residents. Thousands of Bibles and evangelistic materials were sent from this building to Latin America. Hundreds of radio programs, intended to reach as many hearts as possible with the Gospel through radio, were recorded by Florent Toirac. Later, Cornelius Rivera expanded the recording and sending from this place to thousands of broadcasts. With the tremendous inroads in technology, a decentralization of our production and recording operations, as well as the missionaries’ skills in working with the new technology, it was no longer necessary, nor economically feasible to maintain a large building to fulfill our ministry. Thus, the board of Directors decided that this was the proper time to dispose of the property on Pierceton Rd. Seeking to be faithful stewards of the resources with which the Lord entrusts us, we praise Him for providing us with a new location. As of March 1st, we have moved to 2236 Hendricks St. Warsaw, Indiana. Our mailing address remains the same: P.O. Box 542 Winona Lake, IN 46590.