Honduras – Melvin Zelaya

Recent news of Melvin Zelaya

Honduras (2) Update Sep/2024


Violent crimes, such as homicide, armed robbery, and kidnapping, are elements that are part of the daily lives of thousands of people in Honduras. Gang activities such as extortion, rape, narcotics, and human trafficking are widespread nationwide. From a religious perspective, approximately 49% of the population are Catholics, and 40% are Evangelicals. However, similar to Guatemala, several churches considered Evangelicals tend to focus on the Gospel of prosperity and seek to emphasize healings and miracles promoted by prophets and apostles. Between the complex picture of Honduras from the socio-political point of view and the low presence of churches with sound doctrine, as a ministry, we understand the importance and the urgency of reaching thousands of radio listeners in this country with the message of salvation in Christy. Thanks to the commitment and faithful work of our missionaries Melvin & Carol and Ernesto & Diana, we are fulfilling our call in Honduras.

When Melvin and Carol joined Spanish World Ministries, we fifty radio stations in our database. Currently, we have almost 2,900 weekly broadcasts through 246 radio stations. In 2006, Melvin’s brother, Ernesto, was invited to join our ministry to assist Melvin with distributing our programs. Besides the radio ministry, Melvin and Ernesto oversee four congregations in rural areas and one church established in Tegucigalpa. Thanks to the provision from the Lord through a group of believers from Ohio, U.S.A., these two men are training leaders and distributing school supplies, medicines, and groceries to families that attend the rural congregations. They also share God’s love with other families that need Christ around the communities where the congregations are located.

Radio ministry and the development of churches in Honduras

Melvin and Carol are overseeing the radio ministry and the development of the churches established by Spanish World Ministries in Honduras. Ernesto Zelaya takes care of our data base and of supplying programs to the radio stations and assists with the teaching of God’s Word in different congregations. Radio ministry We praise the Lord because […]


In different regions of Honduras, the gangs are demanding money as “war tax”, in return for not destroying people’s businesses

In different regions of Honduras, the gangs are demanding money as “war tax”, in return for not destroying people’s businesses. To make sure that people will surrender to their demands, gangs kill anyone who does not pay. In other words, if they do not pay, they pay with their lives. The violence all over this […]


God has opened opportunities of ministry with the employees at the radio stations in Honduras

Thanks to the faithful commitment of our fellow servants Melvin and Ernesto Zelaya, our radio ministry keeps expanding in Honduras. Through 170 radio stations, the Gospel is heard by thousands of people in different regions of this country. Several stations have been obtained thanks to the sponsorship of churches or individuals willing to fulfil the […]


Honduras is considered as the most violent country in the world

While the world is considering Egypt, Lybia, Syria, or Iraq violent countries, the truth is that the most violent country in the world right now is located in Central America. From January to June of last year, about half of the homicides in Honduras were youth between 15 and 29, and over ninety percent were […]


God is thriving His work in Honduras with the construction of a new temple

Melvin has continue overseeing the different minsitries that the Lord has opened in Honduras through Spanish World Ministries. With almost 150 radio stations airing the radio programs in Honduras, it becomes a priority to ensure that the stations are airing the programs. Therefore Melvin has been traveling through different regions to supply programs to radio […]