
Dominican Republic – Smaily and Rosanna Rosario
SMAILY & ROSANA ROSARIO According to a 2019 survey, 49% of the population in the Dominican Republic is Catholic. Other 25% declared no religion, identified as atheist or agnostic, or associated with different religions such as Adventists or Jehovah’s Witnesses. Though the constitution of this country provides freedom of religion and belief, the Roman Catholic...
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One of the greatest challenges that our missionaries have is the lack of interest from many churches in Latin America to make use of the radio waves to reach more people with the Gospel. Quite often the believers do not consider radio since the air time is expensive, and most of the times the churches...
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Between 2007 and 2014, almost 20,000 people committed suicide. About 51% of these events took place in three of the 31 provinces (Santiago, Distrito National) in this island. Dominican Republic has one of the highest rates of Latin America. Young people between 15 and 24 years old is a group with one the highest rates....
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In the Dominican Republic, one way that Satan has captured the minds and the hearts of people since the times of the Colony, has been the Santeria (The ways of Saints). This a syncretistic religion spread all over the Caribbean islands influenced by other religions from Africa. Although it includes certain elements taken from the...
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I am thankful to the Lord for the different ways He has been opening doors in radio stations for the proclamation of the Gospel. Within the last three months, I visited forty-seven radio stations. Twenty-three of these stations already broadcast our programs. My desire during this year has been to establish a personal relationship with...
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Since we started this year, our whole desire has been to increase the number of stations airing our programs. We serve under the conviction that the One who called us to serve Him will be prospering our efforts to take the message of salvation to more places all over the Dominican Republic. One of the...
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Dominican Republic, like other countries in Latin America is also dealing with various social issues. A serious problem right now is a high rate of domestic violence. Around 600 women have been killed in 2013 by either their husbands, or former partners. Studies show that every 36 hours one woman between 13 and 45 years...
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