Our Work for the Local Churches

Providing High Quality Materials for free

Proclaiming the Gospel

To all the Spanish Speaking World

For sixty years, Spanish World Ministries has functioned under the premise that the Lord Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to preach the Gospel, and that this is the activity in which those who believe in Him are to be occupied during the present age. Considering that we have been given stewardship to disseminate the salvation message among the Spanish speaking people of the world, we endeavor to carry out our mission and pursue our objective with constant and persistent determination until He comes.  The Lord has opened for us several doors to reach thousands of people with the Gospel every day, through Radio Programs Production, App and Media, Audio Production in Quechua and Guarani, Outreaching in Cuba and National Missionaries.
The message for all

Reaching Cuba and Venezuela

Immersed in political and economical issues for decades, Cuba and Venezuela have presented several challenges through the years for Christians and for those willing to take the Gospel to cuban and venezuelan people.

By God’s grace, our programs have played an essential role in the salvation of many in these countries.

Going further

Translating the message to Guarani and Quechua

Three years ago, the translation and production of our programs in Quechua and Guarani became a reality. Over 18 million people speak these two languages in different countries in South America. Since we initiated the production and distribution of the programs in these languages, 145 stations in Guarani, and 130 stations in Quechua have accepted to broadcast our materials.

Acomplished by God's grace

By providing the Local Church and Radio Stations with evangelistic radio programs for more than 60 years, and now with an App, Website and using Whatsapp and YouTube Channel as well as a Facebook page, the Lord has blessed our ministry by reaching thousands every week, but there’s plenty to do and we need you to partner with us!
Weekly broadcasts
Radio Stations
Audios produced
App impressions
Podcast Downloads
Guarani Radio Stations
Quechua Radio Stations
Total Plays

Help us spread the Good News!

We need your support
Our Mission, Objective & Work

About Us

Our Mission

To assist local churches in the Spanish speaking world, to carry out the ministry of communicating the Gospel of Christ, and to edify thoese who believe. 

Our Beliefs

Our Objective

To accomplish our mission by producing and distributing radio broadcasts, financially supporting national missionaries, providing Christian literature, and employing any other means that will bring honor to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our History

What We Do

We produce evangelistic audio messages for Radio broadcast, Social Media posting and App streaming, all made available for free, to local Churches, Radio Stations and individuals. We promote them through our national missionaries.

Our Work

What you can do

You can proclaim the Gospel to the Spanish speaking people by partnering with us! Help us spread the Good News by supporting our missionaries, our translating projects and special funds, so that we keep advancing the Gospel!

Partner with us!

Learn more about us:

Living God's Providence

Ministry News

Spring 2024

If anyone enters through Me, He will be saved

As we see these percentages, the picture that Jesus gave in John 10:8 becomes vivid: “All those who came before Me are thieves and robbers.” No matter if it is through devotion to a religion or the degree of rejection of the existence of God the Creator…

Read the whole story here

December 2023

The one, who is the true light, came this world!

As we end another year, racial and ethnic violence all over the world, corruption at every level in governments, and aggressive humanist philosophies trying to undermine God’s principles and promote immorality, are the headlines in newspapers and Internet portals.

Read the whole story here

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