
Rosanna Ramírez
As we approach the end of the year, we thank the Lord for entrusting us with the responsibility of proclaiming the Good News in Christ to those in the Spanish speaking world. We want to inform you what He has done and what opportunities He has opened us to fulfill His trust. Radio Our national...
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Among other duties, one of the most important is the visit to radio stations to introduce our programs. Our missionary Karel has establish a strategy that involves traveling through different territories of Guatemala where the Gospel needs to be heard and the teaching of sound doctrines needs to be heard. Certainly, there are a lot...
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The task of finding new outlets in Ecuador for the broadcasting of our programs has been a real challenge for our missionary Leopoldo. Within the first quarter of this year, 71 secular radios stations were visited. Most of the owners of these stations were reluctant to accept our programs because their profit would be less...
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One of the greatest challenges that our missionaries have is the lack of interest from many churches in Latin America to make use of the radio waves to reach more people with the Gospel. Quite often the believers do not consider radio since the air time is expensive, and most of the times the churches...
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Melvin and Carol are overseeing the radio ministry and the development of the churches established by Spanish World Ministries in Honduras. Ernesto Zelaya takes care of our data base and of supplying programs to the radio stations and assists with the teaching of God’s Word in different congregations. Radio ministry We praise the Lord because...
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In his letter to the believers in Rome, Paul wrote of his responsibility to take the message of the Gospel to both, Greeks and non-Greeks, to the wise and to the foolish (1:14). Thus, he declared his eagerness to preach the Gospel to those in Rome (1:15). The reason? He was not ashamed of the...
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Andrés Carrasco travels through different regions of Chile with the main purpose of make available our programs in regions where Christian ministries are barely willing to enter due to the distances, or due to the danger that involves certain neighborhoods in large cities. Within the last two years, Andres has been trying to contact several...
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With almost 350 radio station broadcasting our programs, our missionary Luis Prada has been able to establish a wide network of contacts with owners and directors of radio stations. Few weeks ago Juan Carlos, a man who was in charge of a radio station in a military academy, shared with Luis that he has been...
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At the end of December, Ted Lenox, who served at the headquarters of Spanish World Ministries as a radio engineer for almost 38 years, came into his retirement year. The Board of directors approved to invite Pedro Salces to become our Radio Technical Producer. Besides introducing our ministry in churches, and visiting radio stations to...
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During the first quarter of this year, owners of 25 radio stations in different regions of the country, heard for the first time about our radio programs. Several of these outlets are located in small towns where the agriculture and farming are the main activities. Therefore, radio is an important companion for the people. Thanks...
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